Welcome to the Foundations of Health Roadmap Program
This is more than just a program; it's a transformation. Following this program, I have transformed my own life and the lives of 200+ patients. Now, let me help you transform yours, one habit at a time.
Welcome to the Foundations of Health Roadmap Program
This is more than just a program; it's a transformation. Following this program, I have transformed my own life and the lives of 200+ patients. Now, let me help you transform yours, one habit at a time.
What Conditions Can The Roadmap Program Help Treat?

What Conditions Can The Roadmap Program Help Treat?

Program Overview and What's Included!
Society has bombarded us for years with the idea that healing requires drastic measures. Extreme diets, medications, intense workouts, and even surgery. These are often presented as the only solutions, especially for women. But what if the key to unlocking your body's natural healing potential is actually much simpler?
As a practitioner with over two decades of experience, I've discovered a powerful truth: the key to transformative healing lies in your daily habits. These seemingly small choices – from what you eat to how you move – act as a powerful communication channel with your body. Every action sends a clear message: "I am safe" or "I am in danger." And guess what? Your body can only truly heal and deliver the results you desire when it feels safe.
We often believe our health issues stem from some major, complex imbalance. But in reality, they're mostly rooted in the little things we overlook in our daily routine. That's why true healing starts with building a foundation of healing habits. These habits create the groundwork for your entire body's health. If your basic needs aren't met and your body doesn't feel safe, healing won't happen. No fancy program or extreme measures can fix a shaky or nonexistent foundation.
The good news is there's a roadmap to guide you. My program focuses on the 7 essential habits that create a solid foundation for healing: nutrition, hydration, exercise, nervous system care, sleep, and journaling (which helps rewire your neural pathways!). Watch the video below to learn more about these habits and start building your path to healing today!
Program Overview and What's Included!
Society has bombarded us for years with the idea that healing requires drastic measures. Extreme diets, medications, intense workouts, and even surgery. These are often presented as the only solutions, especially for women. But what if the key to unlocking your body's natural healing potential is actually much simpler?
As a practitioner with over two decades of experience, I've discovered a powerful truth: the key to transformative healing lies in your daily habits. These seemingly small choices – from what you eat to how you move – act as a powerful communication channel with your body. Every action sends a clear message: "I am safe" or "I am in danger." And guess what? Your body can only truly heal and deliver the results you desire when it feels safe.
We often believe our health issues stem from some major, complex imbalance. But in reality, they're mostly rooted in the little things we overlook in our daily routine. That's why true healing starts with building a foundation of healing habits. These habits create the groundwork for your entire body's health. If your basic needs aren't met and your body doesn't feel safe, healing won't happen. No fancy program or extreme measures can fix a shaky or nonexistent foundation.
The good news is there's a roadmap to guide you. My program focuses on the 7 essential habits that create a solid foundation for healing: nutrition, hydration, exercise, nervous system care, sleep, and journaling (which helps rewire your neural pathways!). Watch the video below to learn more about these habits and start building your path to healing today!

But Wait, That's Not All! There's Also...

But Wait, That's Not All! There's Also...

Don't Take Our Word For It
Check Out What Our Clients Are Saying!
Don't Take Our Word For It
Check Out What Our Clients Are Saying!
Kaitlyn G.
82% Reduction In Symptoms
MSQ Score went from 154 to 28
"I’ve struggled with illness my entire life. However, the health crisis that led me to Paige started when I was just 21 years old. It started with persistent kidney stones, fatigue, depression, mood swings, and rapidly fluctuating weight.
At 22 I began having severe allergic reactions and painful inflammation/open wounds appear all over my body. My hair started falling out in clumps, I developed horrible insomnia, and my anxiety was so crippling I could barely function. I was on the brink of being prediabetic, developing Hashimoto’s, in the early stages of a horrific inflammatory disease. The signs and symptoms were there, they had just been overlooked by my conventional doctors for YEARS.
When I came across Paige’s practice, I truly thought functional medicine was a scam. I did not believe in a holistic approach at all. But I had nowhere else to turn, so I decided to give her a shot. Paige prescribed me a set of diet and lifestyle changes (the habits outlined in the roadmap program). That’s it. I wasn’t confident such a simple plan would work but committed myself to it anyways.
It worked. After four months my inflammatory disease was in remission and everything else was completely reversed. After a year I felt like a totally different person. The most simple diet and lifestyle changes literally saved my life. I’m 27 now and still live by the habits of the roadmap program. I am the healthiest I have ever been in my entire life. From one skeptic to another, I PROMISE this approach works."

Madi F.
61% Reduction In Symptoms
MSQ Score went from 87 to 34
"Before coming across Paige and the Roadmap Program, doctor offices weren’t even trying to treat me like a human. My goal was to get on track and fine tune my habits to be the healthiest I can be. Since starting the program, I have more energy. It has helped me monitor my weaknesses and strengths and where I can improve. What I like most about the program is going through the videos and content. It’s user friendly."

Katie G.
75% Reduction In Symptoms
MSQ Score went from 107 to 45
“I’ve been in the roadmap program for almost a year. I’ve never done a holistic healing based program. But I realized I’m a whole person and I need to treat my mind body and soul. I chose the roadmap program because I love Paige and I trust her practice. Plus I wanted a holistic program for life! My main goal was to understand what’s happening in my body and to feel better every day. Folks sometimes need kick-off guidance to figure out their how- to- implement plan. I needed time to adjust and step through all of the pillars. It took me longer than four weeks to feel like I was able to practice and incorporate the necessary changes. But I am forever changed by the Roadmap. It is a sustainable foundation that supports me through my growth as a post menopausal woman.I also liked the detailed testing options. It helps me know what to dial in on. I also love Paige’s personal touch around customiziation! (I feel special.)”

Anonymous Member
45% Reduction In Symptoms
MSQ Score went from 22 to 13
"I’ve been in the roadmap program for 1 year. Before starting the program I tried a lot of diets- noom, weight watchers, keto. I also tried lots of different workouts. Nothing I had tried was sustainable. My bloodwork wasn’t great and I knew that I needed to do something before I developed type 2 diabetes.
I decided to try the roadmap program because I have always followed paige on IG and everything she puts out there makes sense. I would be like “I wish my dr was like this!” The roadmap program is also more affordable than working with Paige 1:1.My goals were Weight loss, better bloodwork, and less anxiety. So far my bloodwork is better- I’m still working on that though. I am changing more inside than outside. Paige has definitely changed my perspective on a lot of things.
The live sessions have kept me motivated when I want to disengage and quit. The accountability group is good too."

Meghan B.
67% Reduction In Symptoms
MSQ Score went from 191 to 63
"Have you ever seen a picture of yourself and just cringed? I’ve always joked about having “a big booty” and being “a fatty” but I realized my girls were looking at me, my habits and what I was saying about my body. Is that how I want them to see themselves? Do I want to be alive to see my grand babies? I had to accept that size and a number on a scale doesn’t matter but my health does.
I have been working with Functional Health and Wellness for 6 months and couldn’t be happier. The number on the scale has changed a lot but even when it doesn’t, I always see continued changes in my body, clothes and energy levels more than in the numbers. I don’t even have a “before” picture because I truly believed in Paige Smith Lynch's process.
Most importantly, I am on a sustainable program that doesn’t feel like rules, counting, and punishment. When I gave up all the diets and trying things my way (which always failed) I found peace, health and acceptance to allow my body to do what it knows best and care for itself. "

Lisa K.
64% Reduction In Symptoms
MSQ Score went from 119 to 43
"I’ve been apart of the roadmap program for approximately 14 months. Before the roadmap program I was just concentrating on losing weight but I would just gain it back. My stomach issues made me decide it was time to try something different. I decided to try the roadmap program because one of my coworkers was in it and she was so happy.
My goal was to resolve my stomach issues and feel strong again. This program is helping me achieve this goal by making me aware of is causing my issues and it is leading me to resolve them. I think my favorite part of the program is that I can go back and listen to different modules whenever I need reinforcement."

Anonymous Member
55% Reduction In Symptoms
MSQ Score went from 82 to 37
"I’ve been in the roadmap program for 3 months! I had tried working with another functional medicine doctor who didn't focus on my overall health. I then tried working with a fitness/nutrition coach for 6 months and absolutely nothing happened with my emotional or physical health. I knew I needed to try something else.
After my first conversation with Paige, I felt she may be the first person who understands where I am and how to get me to the place I need to be. I was and still am willing to try her suggestions.My goal was to just feel better - more positive, happier. And I do feel better, emotionally better and I am sleeping better. It was easy to incorporate most of the goals and I liked the program’s format."

Ariana K.
60% Reduction In Symptoms
MSQ Score went from 157 to 63
"I’ve been in the roadmap program for 6 months. I’ve never done anything like this. But I was tried of seeing so many doctors and getting bandaids instead of solutions. I honestly chose the program out of desperation to heal my body!
I am slowly starting to repair deep-seated issues to allow my body to function, and eventually, thrive. Many nights my sleep is better, I am losing stress weight, and I am on fewer prescriptions.
My favorite part of the program is the resources shared they offer helpful reminders and extra help."

Anonymous Member
28% Reduction In Symptoms
MSQ Score went from 123 to 88
"I’ve been in the roadmap program for about a year. I have done a variety of fitness things. Beachbody to tae-bo. My ah ha moment was more of a series of learning about how conventional medicine doesn’t work and me trying everything I knew to lose weight. I knew I needed something else.
I chose the roadmap program mostly for financial reasons. I couldn’t afford working 1:1 with Paige so this was the next best option. I wanted to feel better, less tired, sleep better, heal burnout, and get to a healthy and comfortable body weight.
One of the biggest signs of healing I can measure is my thyroid is beginning to heal. I feel less tired, less anxious. No more panic. And I’m more connected to my body.
So far my favorite feature in the program are the group challenges."

Vicki P.
38% Reduction In Symptoms
MSQ Score went from 154 to 95
“I’ve been in the roadmap program for 6 months. I knew I needed something new after many appointments with endocrinologists, neurologists, and primary care providers. I wanted an integrative medical partnership. My goal was simple. I wanted to find another person that knew what I knew: My medical situation is not a permanent condition and can be managed through appropriate nutrition and supplements.
I’m still working the program. I’ve had several set backs but continuing to work forward. But my favorite thing about the program is the connections and suggestions on how to change my households food choice for healthier versions.”
Kaitlyn G.
82% Reduction In Symptoms
MSQ Score went from 154 to 28
"I’ve struggled with illness my entire life. However, the health crisis that led me to Paige started when I was just 21 years old. It started with persistent kidney stones, fatigue, depression, mood swings, and rapidly fluctuating weight.
At 22 I began having severe allergic reactions and painful inflammation/open wounds appear all over my body. My hair started falling out in clumps, I developed horrible insomnia, and my anxiety was so crippling I could barely function. I was on the brink of being prediabetic, developing Hashimoto’s, in the early stages of a horrific inflammatory disease. The signs and symptoms were there, they had just been overlooked by my conventional doctors for YEARS.
When I came across Paige’s practice, I truly thought functional medicine was a scam. I did not believe in a holistic approach at all. But I had nowhere else to turn, so I decided to give her a shot. Paige prescribed me a set of diet and lifestyle changes (the habits outlined in the roadmap program). That’s it. I wasn’t confident such a simple plan would work but committed myself to it anyways.
It worked. After four months my inflammatory disease was in remission and everything else was completely reversed. After a year I felt like a totally different person. The most simple diet and lifestyle changes literally saved my life. I’m 27 now and still live by the habits of the roadmap program. I am the healthiest I have ever been in my entire life. From one skeptic to another, I PROMISE this approach works."

Madi F.
61% Reduction In Symptoms
MSQ score went from 87 to 34
"Before coming across Paige and the Roadmap Program, doctor offices weren’t even trying to treat me like a human. My goal was to get on track and fine tune my habits to be the healthiest I can be. Since starting the program, I have more energy. It has helped me monitor my weaknesses and strengths and where I can improve. What I like most about the program is going through the videos and content. It’s user friendly."

Katie G.
75% Reduction In Symptoms
MSQ Score went from 107 to 45
“I’ve been in the roadmap program for almost a year. I’ve never done a holistic healing based program. But I realized I’m a whole person and I need to treat my mind body and soul.I chose the roadmap program because I love Paige, and I trust her practice. Plus, I wanted a holistic program for life! My main goal was to understand what was happening in my body and to feel better every day. Folks sometimes need kick-off guidance to figure out their how- to- implement plan. I needed time to adjust and step through all of the pillars. It took me longer than four weeks to feel like I was able to practice and incorporate the necessary changes. But I am forever changed by the Roadmap. It is a sustainable foundation that supports me through my growth as a post-menopausal woman. I also liked the detailed testing options. It helps me know what to dial in on. I also love Paige’s personal touch around customization! (I feel special.)”

Anonymous Member
45% Reduction In Symptoms
MSQ score went from 22 to 12
"I’ve been in the roadmap program for 1 year. Before starting the program I tried a lot of diets- noom, weight watchers, keto. I also tried lots of different workouts. Nothing I had tried was sustainable. My bloodwork wasn’t great and I knew that I needed to do something before I developed type 2 diabetes.
I decided to try the roadmap program because I have always followed Paige on IG, and everything she puts out there makes sense. I would be like, “I wish my doctor was like this!” The roadmap program is also more affordable than working with Paige 1:1. My goals were Weight loss, better bloodwork, and less anxiety. So far, my bloodwork is better—I’m still working on that, though. I am changing more inside than outside. Paige has definitely changed my perspective on a lot of things.
The live sessions have kept me motivated when I want to disengage and quit. The accountability group is good too."

Meghan B.
67% Reduction In Symptoms
MSQ score went from 191 to 63
"Have you ever seen a picture of yourself and just cringed? I’ve always joked about having “a big booty” and being “a fatty” but I realized my girls were looking at me, my habits and what I was saying about my body. Is that how I want them to see themselves? Do I want to be alive to see my grand babies? I had to accept that size and a number on a scale doesn’t matter but my health does.
I have been working with Functional Health and Wellness for 6 months and couldn’t be happier. The number on the scale has changed a lot but even when it doesn’t, I always see continued changes in my body, clothes and energy levels more than in the numbers. I don’t even have a “before” picture because I truly believed in Paige Smith Lynch's process.
Most importantly, I am on a sustainable program that doesn’t feel like rules, counting, and punishment. When I gave up all the diets and trying things my way (which always failed) I found peace, health and acceptance to allow my body to do what it knows best and care for itself. "

Lisa K.
64% Reduction In Symptoms
MSQ Score went from 119 to 43
"I’ve been apart of the roadmap program for approximately 14 months. Before the roadmap program I was just concentrating on losing weight but I would just gain it back. My stomach issues made me decide it was time to try something different. I decided to try the roadmap program because one of my coworkers was in it and she was so happy.
My goal was to resolve my stomach issues and feel strong again. This program is helping me achieve this goal by making me aware of is causing my issues and it is leading me to resolve them. I think my favorite part of the program is that I can go back and listen to different modules whenever I need reinforcement."

Anonymous Member
55% Reduction In Symptoms
MSQ Score went from 82 to 37
"I’ve been in the roadmap program for 3 months! I had tried working with another functional medicine doctor who didn't focus on my overall health. I then tried working with a fitness/nutrition coach for 6 months and absolutely nothing happened with my emotional or physical health. I knew I needed to try something else.
After my first conversation with Paige, I felt she may be the first person who understands where I am and how to get me to the place I need to be. I was and still am willing to try her suggestions.My goal was to just feel better - more positive, happier. And I do feel better, emotionally better and I am sleeping better. It was easy to incorporate most of the goals and I liked the program’s format."

Ariana K.
60% Reduction In Symptoms
MSQ Score went from 157 to 63
"I’ve been in the roadmap program for 6 months. I’ve never done anything like this. But I was tried of seeing so many doctors and getting bandaids instead of solutions. I honestly chose the program out of desperation to heal my body!
I am slowly starting to repair deep-seated issues to allow my body to function, and eventually, thrive. Many nights my sleep is better, I am losing stress weight, and I am on fewer prescriptions.
My favorite part of the program is the resources shared they offer helpful reminders and extra help."

Anonymous Member
28% Reduction In Symptoms
MSQ Score went from 123 to 88
"I’ve been in the roadmap program for about a year. I have done a variety of fitness things. Beachbody to tae-bo. My ah ha moment was more of a series of learning about how conventional medicine doesn’t work and me trying everything I knew to lose weight. I knew I needed something else.
I chose the roadmap program mostly for financial reasons. I couldn’t afford working 1:1 with Paige so this was the next best option. I wanted to feel better, less tired, sleep better, heal burnout, and get to a healthy and comfortable body weight.
One of the biggest signs of healing I can measure is my thyroid is beginning to heal. I feel less tired, less anxious. No more panic. And I’m more connected to my body.
So far my favorite feature in the program are the group challenges."

Vicki P.
38% Reduction In Symptoms
MSQ Score went from 154 to 95
“I’ve been in the roadmap program for 6 months. I knew I needed something new after many appointments with endocrinologists, neurologists, and primary care providers. I wanted an integrative medical partnership.
My goal was simple. I wanted to find another person that knew what I knew: My medical situation is not a permanent condition and can be managed through appropriate nutrition and supplements.
I’m still working on the program. I’ve had several setbacks, but I am continuing to work forward. But my favorite thing about the program is the connections and suggestions on how to change my household's food choice for healthier versions.”
Frequently Asked Questions
What makes this course different from others?
Many health programs and holistic practitioners miss the mark by skipping over the foundational work of healing. They assume their clients already have the foundational aspects of healing down. The reality is that 99% of people DON'T, and that's a HUGE problem!
I have worked with people who are brand new to holistic healing and with people who have been in the holistic healing space for 10+ years.
Out of 200+ patients, I have not had a single client with a solid foundation for healing. This is why I developed the Roadmap program. This program serves as the essential starting point for all my patients and is now available for you, too.
You CAN'T heal your hormones, gut issues, high cortisol, autoimmune disease, or ANYTHING without having your foundations in place. Period.
It's like trying to build a house without a foundation.
This isn't a sexy fad diet or quick fix. It's a complete lifestyle overhaul, a metamorphosis of your relationship with your body and health.
If you apply the knowledge gained from this program for the rest of your life, you will experience healing, see symptoms that have plagued you for years disappear, and enjoy the best health you've ever experienced.
Is it easy? No. This journey requires commitment and dedication. But the payoff? It's immeasurable.
I'm not offering you a magic pill. I'm offering you an opportunity to invest in your future self, an investment that will help you create a life overflowing with health, energy, happiness, and health freedom.
Who is this course for?
This course is for you if...
- You want to improve your health and wellness. Whether you're just starting your health journey or you're looking to take your health to the next level, our course can help you achieve your goals.
- You're done with band-aid solutions and want to create a lifestyle that addresses the root cause of your health issues.
- You're tired of feeling lost and confused in the overwhelming world of health information.
- You crave a supportive community of like-minded people on the same path.
- You're ready to commit to a deep dive into your well-being and create lasting change.
- You’re willing to do the work necessary to transform. I will periodically check in with you to give support and advice; however, your success and advancement in this program ultimately depend on YOU.
Who is this course NOT for?
This program is not for you if you’re looking for a quick fix. This is a comprehensive program designed to be integrated at your own pace throughout a 6-12 month period or beyond.
How long is the program?
Everyone’s timeline differs. We recommend taking at least a month to review everything included in the program. After that, we recommend spending around six months incorporating the foundations of health habits into your lifestyle. Work at the pace that feels the most healing and sustainable to you.
Remember, your illness and unsavory symptoms didn't develop overnight. Give your body the love, patience, and grace it needs to heal.
How long will it take to see results? What kind of changes can I expect?
While results will vary from person to person depending on your timeline, here are some general changes you may notice as you progress through the program.
Week 1-2
- Glowing skin
- Better sleep
- More energy
- Improved focus
- Less bloating & improved digestion
- Reduced fatigue
Week 3-4
- Increased muscle strength
- Less inflammation & puffiness
- More mindful behavior
- Better nutrient absorption (you will feel & see this in your skin, digestion, bowel movements, energy levels, and clarity of mind)
- More stable mood
Week 5-6
- Reduced joint pain
- Improved stress management
- Less muscle fatigue
- Increased physical endurance
- Enhanced emotional balance
- Improved skin complexion & reduction in blemishes
- Clothes may fit more loosely
- Noticeable decrease in inflammation of the face & body
Week 7-8
- Stronger & more physically fit body
- Weight loss or physique changes
- Heightened sense of well-being & improved self-esteem
- Regular & consistently high-quality sleep
- Notable improvements in overall body flexibility & range of motion
- Significantly improved energy, mental sharpness, & memory
What if the roadmap helps but I still don't feel my best/have lingering health issues?
If you have not been implementing the Foundation of Health habits for at least 6 months, give it more time.
If you have implemented the Foundation of Health habits for 6+ months with no improvements, this is a sign you need more advanced treatment.
In this situation, I would recommend you sign up to work with me 1:1 as a patient. The cost of the Roadmap program would be deducted from the price.
How much is labwork through RupaHealth?
Genetic Testing is $349
DUTCH (comprehensive sex hormone & cortisol) Testing is $450
Stool Testing is $452
Blood Work: Basic Comprehensive Work Up is $118+
To learn more about labwork, please click here to browse our labshop.
Other Ways To Work With Me

The Nervous System Reset Ebook
Jumpstart your healing journey by learning how to heal your nervous system.

Become a Patient
Work with me 1:1 to get to the root cause of your health problems.

Explore Our Labshop
Don't let your insurance company dictate your healthcare. Order the labs you want, anywhere anytime.